Welcome to Random Capture 6.
When I was a kid, one of the first things I was told about photography was: "Taking a picture is about capturing light.” I get what they are saying but when I look at most pictures I don’t see the light, I see the subject. Almost always “the light” remains invisible to the viewer.
One day, a few years back, I noticed a slice of light coming into our house. I grabbed my camera and took a picture. Since that day I have kept my eye out for the moments when the light calls out and shouts “Here I am!”
Below are a few of those moments.
Kathy Ryan’s Office Romance
A similar project that inspires me is Kathy Ryan’s Office Romance.
This video from Jamie Windsor is how I discovered Office Romance and an excellent overview. Well worth the few minutes to watch that part of the video.
Fun related quote
who writes had a great quote on his site:“I like to capture light... but that’s just a fancy way to say I’m a photographer.”
Do you ever capture the light? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
I appreciate these and have often photographed light as it falls on surfaces. I was immediately reminded of an SX-70 polaroid I took of a ceiling corner. There is no direct light nor subject, per se. But there are tones and colors that were the result of a very cold early morning in Camden, Maine. The ‘roid was “seeing” light without seeing light.
Seeing the light is not about the subject but how the subject is revealed by light. Revelation by light is primary to existing, but recognizing that something triggers an emotional response because of the light which falls on it deepens our grasp and appreciation of living (Vermeer!).
Haha thank you for quoting me, I think it's the first time ever someone did that (photography related at least :-) I thought a bit for a sort of opening sentence for on my website, but I also don't feel like trying to pretend to know (a lot about) photography - so I tried to put a bit of humor into it. Anyway, cool that it fits your article 👍