Nice work, Josh. The architectural shots are my favourites, especially the first two.

I would find this to be a difficult challenge. It is often colour, more than contrast, that catches my attention. I have only changed a colour image into a black and white one a few times. I should give it a try, though. Sometimes, doing something radically different (shooting in B&W would be radical for me) can prevent us from imitating our own past work.

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1) you can always go back to shooting color after the challenge

2) set a long enough time so that you can really adjust and then get into it

3) maybe get a group together so that everyone is doing it the same time and can share their results and support each other (I’d be up for six weeks again at some point)

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I like the architecture photos best, because of the strong contrast, lines, patterns and simply because I like this type/genre of photography :)

With my 'big camera' I don't often photograph in b/w, but for my BeyondFocus project I use my everyday smartphone set to b/w. To make sure that this does not interfere with everyday use (as in: do I have to buy this?-photos), I use the Lightroom app for BeyondFocus and the generic camera app from the manufacturer for all the other stuff. Works well for me :)

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I remember reading something a few years ago that a way to improve your color photography is to set the camera to black and white. This removes the color from the compositional equation and forces you to consider other compositional elements: line, shape, texture, form, etc. This is really effective if you photograph in raw since, as you say, the raw file will still contain all the color data in the scene.

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All winners, but especially love Fort Point.

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A really superb collection of images Josh!

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Thanks so much. That means a lot to me.

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