this is an excellent topic. Seeing your photographs, I feel you definitely are on the road to having your own style. Will you be updating on the newsletter on progress? I would love to keep watch!
Yes, I totally plan to document this as a I go. Mostly (as many of these posts are) for myself... but I find in doing them as posts I spend more time taking notes and consequently do a better job for myself.
Thanks for the link to the Meyerowitz video. I hadn't come across that one before.
Best wishes with your plan. I hope it works out for you. While I do like the opportunity for collective activities on photo communities, I'm inclined to the view that style more or less happens over time and with experience (or rather, that in my case it just happens) and that thinking about it too directly could be as constraining as it is enlightening.
Olli, this is something I thought long and hard about while writing the post. I even thought about putting more in the post about if style is something that should be worked on--but left it out because it was already a pretty long post.
In short my thinking is: No, style is not something should be worked on to develop... BUT there is a fine line of explored/understood vs. worked on. I think on the other side of that line, yes, we should try to explore or understand our style and thats what I will try to do... but like I say its a fine line and hard to do one without crossing over to the other.
this is an excellent topic. Seeing your photographs, I feel you definitely are on the road to having your own style. Will you be updating on the newsletter on progress? I would love to keep watch!
Yes, I totally plan to document this as a I go. Mostly (as many of these posts are) for myself... but I find in doing them as posts I spend more time taking notes and consequently do a better job for myself.
Thanks for the link to the Meyerowitz video. I hadn't come across that one before.
Best wishes with your plan. I hope it works out for you. While I do like the opportunity for collective activities on photo communities, I'm inclined to the view that style more or less happens over time and with experience (or rather, that in my case it just happens) and that thinking about it too directly could be as constraining as it is enlightening.
Olli, this is something I thought long and hard about while writing the post. I even thought about putting more in the post about if style is something that should be worked on--but left it out because it was already a pretty long post.
In short my thinking is: No, style is not something should be worked on to develop... BUT there is a fine line of explored/understood vs. worked on. I think on the other side of that line, yes, we should try to explore or understand our style and thats what I will try to do... but like I say its a fine line and hard to do one without crossing over to the other.